Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Dude and his hand-me-downs

 Say hello to dude, little man, or as I have been calling him the last few days the kid.

I think he's quite the cutie pie, but I may be a bit partial ;)

 I went out to visit with my cousin today. She has two boys and a new little girl 
(I say new but she's really more like 3-4months)

I walk in to a pile of cloths! 
woo hoo hand-me-downs!

and this photo looks like a small pile...but I have them stacked.
I didn't think to take a picture of them all laid out and I wasn't about to unfold and unstack what took me a while to get through!

 but best of all was the tub of diapers she gave me to use!
 that pile is all newborn cloth reusable!!!
I'm such a dork, I took them all out and checked them all out...tiny little fluffy butts!

Now we just have to find somewhere to put all this!
looks like it's time to find his dresser soon.

My cousin is also training to become a teacher for natural childbirth, and it was so nice to have someone to talk to about all my fears and hopes since I plan to do this all natural.

well I need to get to doing some homework since I have spent my entire day with tiny baby things ;)


  1. Hello little dude!!! Love all the hand me downs. They are the best thing ever!!!

  2. That is so awesome, free stuff is the best!
